Just read the news stating that Prostitute is now hunting for men in Starbucks, their owner sure haven't think about that Starbucks a coffee place can be places for prostitute to find business. This is not an individual case as the one that locate in Starbucks is a pimp, not a prostitute. The pimp even examine the girls body in the toilet, imagine a place like Starbucks being evade by them, sure a lot of those unwanted customer stay around the area and there are no more environment there. I'm sure myself won't be interested to drink there even I do like to look at those girls. But I prefer those normal customers, they may not be as sexy as those prostitute but they are girls with taste. Sometimes it's an enjoyment to take a sip of coffee in Starbucks and look at girls that pass by, you can see these pretty ladies modeling the latest fashion.
For these prostitute, if I want to look for one, I do know where to look for them and sure Starbucks is not the place I prefer, am I too conservative? Isn't that a good thing to chit chat with these pretty ladies that you know you can make love with them with just some money and with some beer at a poor lighting place, you won't get to see their actual look and keep some good imagination in mind, right? Oh ya, this incident that prostitute invade Starbucks is in Taiwan.