lust erotic diary story

lust erotic diary story

Monday, July 26, 2010

Sexy Angelina Jolie in Salt

Have you watch Salt yet? I watched the trailer in cinema just now. Angelina Jolie is not wearing any sexy outfit in the trailer, wonder there is any sexy scene in the movie or not. Although Angelina Jolie is not sexy in Salt, but she looks attractive as always, actually she looks kinda handsome. Remember I saw a scene that she was wearing like an Office Lady, and with a short skirt. Damn, the leg is so sexy. Angelina Jolie is not tall you know? She is just 173cm, with a 7.5cm high heels is just 180cm. But still she look smart and sexy in the movie. She looks perfect for this kind of action movie. It's like the female James Bond. Can look smart, rough and sexy at the same time. Oh ya, she does look good on bed, you can see her nude scene in some of her old movies, her nude body is fabulous. It's good for masturbation.

Actually I'm not confident with this Salt before I watch the trailer, I thought the movie is just like 'Wanted', sorry to said so, I feels like want to walk away when I watched it. The movie sucks! I won't even give it a damn if Angelina Jolie is not in the movie. It's stupid, I haven't watch Salt yet, hope that I won't get the same feeling when I watch it. Salt is the type of movie I like, it's action, with conspiracy theory with it, it's even better if there have some secret behind it, and reveal it slowly. Can't wait to watch it.