lust erotic diary story

lust erotic diary story

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Better Look Better Sex Better Life

I have been losing some weight lately by monitor my food and going to the gym more often. Eat Clean Train Mean. It's important to eat clean as it is 70% effect on your weight, going to the gym may help you to have a better body shape. Eating clean can lose weight healthily, if you are able to monitor your food in take you are half way there. Having a better body shape really helps me lately to get the girls attention, at least I'm getting better feedback online by having a better look profile picture. If you feel that it's hard, yes, it isn't easy. For me, the eating clean part is very hard especially there are so many ocassions lately to attend, it's quite hard to eat clean.

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But everything is worth it as lately I'm able to get attention from the girls more easily, if they like the way you look you are having higher change to pick them up in the bar. It works for me in the pub, in the gym, and online apps like badoo and wechat. I'm not asking you to flirt around but you may have higher chance to tackle your target girl. You may take some time to know your body and know how can you loss weight healthy and fast. Fast is like 6 months for me for healthy weight loss, read more article online to learn about it. You may plan the weight loss according to your lifestyle, it will take you some time for trial and error as well.

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The more you keep track on your weight loss plan the more easy you learn about your body, after some time then you will find that weight loss is easy for you and you will go into the next stage of keep your body shape and have a healthy lifestyle. If I can have more girls paying attention with me, why not you? It will give you more confidence and you are able to pick up your dream girl. A healthier body does give you better sex, right? Exercise give you better stamina for sex, time to get up from your couch.

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