Do you know Emily Shaw? Well, I have no idea who is this until I saw her topless picture then only find out she have a lot of topless pictures. Many years ago I told my friends I don't even bother to 'read' Playboy or Penthouse, there are so many porns online, who the hell need all these magazine? It's true that the photo does look much sexier and beautiful than porn, but the porn video is the thing that is more 'needed'. Some of you may like Emily Shaw in photo only as it look much classier than porn, but I think a lot of us like her to be in porn. Gosh, you see how pretty that pair of boobs are? Search online for it, it's from Frank White.
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Do you fancy pretty girls like Emily Shaw to be your girl friend? There are a lot of troubles you may have as she is a bombshell, imagine you are going out with her and so many pair of eyes are looking at her. Many of the guys don't even have the time to look at the one beside her. You won't feel secure to have girl friend like this, unless you can get a girl friend like this anytime when she's gone. Well, I don't mean that you shouldn't have a hot girl as your girl friend, but you need to know her very well and make sure she is not those kind of troublemaker. You need to know that pretty girls are normally hard to get along as most of the people around her will tend to follow her move. You need to have a very strong heart, time or patient to handle this kind of girls.
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Guys need to man up, it's a strange world now, look for those faithful girls unless you are just flirting around. Love is something precious and don't expect it from cheap people. Why suddenly I change my topic to this unrelated thing? Just read some amazing article from Askmen, go and check it out, there are some articles that may help you to learn more about sex life, better sex. You know there is a clitoris awareness week? You may find it out here.
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