lust erotic diary story

lust erotic diary story

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Normal Trip

Just came back from a trip. It’s a nice trip, no sex, no porn this time but still with girls. No, I went to the trip with guys, one of my friend who happens to be very good in communicate. He is not tall and not handsome at all, but he has his own way and style. What happened? We went for trip and join a local short trip with a guide, there are 50 people in the group so there are high possibilities of young and pretty girls in the team. And yes, we have a group of 4 young and active girls in the travel group.

My friend who are very good at knowing friends, guess his look is very ‘safe’, people feel comfortable talking to him. And so he start to be-friend with the small group of girls, it’s a good to have friend like this so I just join him and get to know all the girls. It’s a very nice experience, it’s not about sex, pure friendship, and we have nothing to worry about if our wife or girl friend is not happy about it.

My case, I get to know one of the girls and ended up we are quite close in the conversation. Not sure it’s a good thing or bad thing, during the last day of our trip I felt that she was kinda into me. If we have another day or two then I may have the chance to catch her heart. I thought it’s just my own feel but another friend of mine feel the same as well. But who knows, it may be just a perception of guys that girls totally don’t agree with it at all. The experience is good, no sex is good as well? Yes. It may be an affair of mentally but still give a very good rest for the heart and mind. This is not a good thing for relationship, right?